Thursday, May 7, 2020

PDF READ FREE It's Okay to Laugh: (Crying Is Cool Too)

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It's Okay to Laugh: (Crying Is Cool Too)

Description of It's Okay to Laugh: (Crying Is Cool Too)

Review �This story will compel you to both laugh and cry, just as the title promises. May we all bring Nora�s honesty, passion and hope to our lives.� (Lena Dunham)�An emotional rollercoaster of the highest order...It�s Okay to Laugh is that rare gem of a read, equal parts heartwarming and hysterical, that�ll make you laugh out loud, only to leave you tearing up a few pages later. I can�t recommend it highly enough.� (Lincoln Thompson, BuzzFeed)�Deeply moving yet refreshingly funny� (PopSugar)�This gorgeous and insightful memoir holds up the lens to mortality and leaves us with a reminder to make every moment count and value what is truly precious: time-and laughter.� (Refinery29)�It�s Okay to Laugh unapologetic tale of heartbreak and loss that is devoid of platitudes. I found myself laughing through my tears, but that�s the real experience of profound morning, and she nails it.� (Rebecca Soffer, writer, Modern Loss co-founder)�Nora is Anne Lamott for the emoji of the best books you�ll read this year.� (MSP Magazine)�A natural storyteller, Nora�s words will make you laugh and cry all in the same paragraph. She transforms what would be a heart-breaking memoir into a life-affirming anthem.� (David Gallaher, author of The Only Living Boy Series)�It is funny, and it is sad, and it is real, and if you�ve ever been through anything in your life�you are going to love this book.� (Jennifer Weiner, New York Times Bestselling author of Who Do You Love) Read more From the Back Cover Terrible, thanks for asking. That�s how it feels to be a widowed mother at age thirty-one. But before Nora McInerny started the Hot Young Widows Club, she bounced from boyfriend to dopey �boyfriend� until she met Aaron�a funny and charismatic art director and comic-book nerd. When Aaron was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer, they refused to let it limit their love. They got engaged on Aaron�s hospital bed, had a baby boy while he was on chemo, and packed a lifetime of marriage into three short years. All too soon, Aaron died in Nora�s arms. The obituary they wrote while in hospice touched the nation (and revealed his true Spider-Man identity). With It�s Okay to Laugh, Nora puts a young, fresh twist on the subjects of mortality and resilience. What does it actually mean to live your �one wild and precious life� to the fullest?� Read more See all Editorial Reviews


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