Thursday, May 21, 2020

[PDF EBOOK EPUB] God's Generals: The Revivalists

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God's Generals: The Revivalists

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Review This is a volume for the mind and the heart, providing a historical and theological perspective of great moves of God. Just as books encouraged John Wesley and George Whitefield to pursue God, reading the penned pictures of God's Generals will encourage you to do the same. Roberts Liardon has provided another page-turner--one written in an easy style but with academic rigor. I warmly commend this book to you.--The Reverend Paul Wilson, Methodist Minister, Knutsford, UK, Chair, Methodist Evangelicals Together, UKOver the years, I have found myself referring to the vast knowledge within the excellent work of Roberts Liardon's best-selling work, God's Generals. As a Christian and a minister, I appreciate his commitment to this historical work and look forward to the release of this next book in the series.--Kim Clement, Author, Call Me Crazy, but I'm Hearing God's VoiceIn this volume, Roberts again gives honor where it is due, yet remains true to history to include their failures and shortcomings. I appreciate that he never does so in a dishonorable way, but instead uses the opportunity to instruct us now not to repeat the same mistakes. That is the way of the kingdom. God's Generals: The Revivalists is sure to become required reading to help prepare the generation that was born for the greatest outpouring of the Spirit in history.--Bill Johnson, Author, When Heaven Invades Earth, Pastor, Bethel Church, Redding, CaliforniaAs a historian, Roberts Liardon has captured the seed that was placed by heaven in the lives of these great men and women of God. Their stories, woven together, paint an awesome picture of the truth that the Holy Spirit has done a mighty work, and is still working today, to reach a lost and dying world with the Good News of the Gospel. The message is the same--the vessel and the method may be different--but it is the same Holy Spirit. May you be challenged and stirred to look forward with expectation, because the best is yet to come--He has saved the best wine for last!--Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne, Revival Ministries International, Tampa, FloridaIn the typical Liardon style of thoroughness and detail, God's Generals: The Revivalists takes the reader to new levels in biographical studies. The reasons include the author's intensity of presentation, added to the fact that the men and women whose lives are herein chronicled surely stand near the mountaintop of greatness, above all those who have lived and ministered in postbiblical history. Many will be blessed, helped, and changed by reading this splendid work. It deserves to be read by every God-seeking person. A great addition to any library!--Jack Taylor, President, Dimensions Ministries, Melbourne, FloridaRoberts Liardon has done a great work in writing the God's Generals series. In this latest volume, he helps us to seethe footsteps of the revivalists and to learn how to overcome the barriers and win the battles they faced. It is a must-read book for Christians who long to see revival happen in their lives, communities, and nations.--The Reverend Dr. Niko Njotorahardjo, Senior Pastor, Bethel Church of Indonesia, Jakarta, IndonesiaGod's Generals: The Revivalists gives us a detailed look into the lives of the people God used to wake and shake their worlds. Roberts brings their stories to life and makes them relevant to God's work on the earth today. It will stir you to take your place as we stand on the threshold of the greatest revival of all time.--The Reverend Kate McVeigh, Author, The Blessing of Favor and Sharing Your FaithI highly respect Roberts Liardon for making the lives and battles of yet another set of God's Generals available to this generation in a powerful and readable book. Because the lives and experiences of God's men continue to minister to us, God's Generals: The Revivalists is one of the most useful books a minister could lay his hands on!--Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, Founder and Pastor, Lighthouse Chapel International, Ghana, Africa Read more About the Author Roberts Liardon is president of Roberts Liardon Ministries and founder of Embassy Christian Center in Irvine, California. He is also founder of Spirit Life Bible College and Embassy Ministerial Association in Irvine. Liardon has previously authored two other God s Generals books and accompanying DVDs. Read more


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