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Description for I Hate Myselfie: A Collection of Essays by Shane Dawson
Review �Though Shane is infamous for his biting wit and crude humor, I Hate Myselfie is as much heart as it is crass.... [It] proves that laughing at yourself can help overcome even the most embarrassing experiences.... Shane may 'hate his selfie,' but his millions of fans will love it.�, AccessHollywood.com'This book is a haven for difference in a sea of more of the same with YouTuber books. The essay approach really worked for the book.', The Guardian Read more About the Author Shane Dawson is a director, actor, comedian, musician, YouTube vlogger, and the New York Times bestselling author of I Hate Myselfie. He lives in Hollywood, California. Find him on YouTube.com/user/ShaneDawsonTV. Read more Excerpt. � Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. I Hate Myselfie Hi. I�m Shane Dawson. Some of you might know me from my videos on the internet. Some of you might know me from the movie I directed entitled Not Cool. And some of you might know me as the guy you saw on the cover of this book who has an incredibly punchable face. I�m all of those things and more! I also have an incredibly punchable body, but none of you will ever get to see that. For the record, I don�t really hate myself, but I do hate the way I portray myself online. Hence, �myselfie.� See what I did there? Online I�m this loud, outrageous, confident guy who acts like nothing bothers him and he has the whole world at his fingertips. In reality, I�m a shy, quiet guy who would rather spend his nights lying in bed watching Netflix than being a valuable member of society. If I could spend my entire life underneath a heating blanket with a handful of my own balls I would happily do so. I�m not saying that I don�t like the stuff I put out into the world, because I genuinely enjoy my videos and think they are funny. What I�m saying is that I embrace the fact that I have a punchable face, and that if I could punch myself without feeling it I would. Sometimes I scroll through my Instagram page and audibly groan. What is the point of posting four pictures a day of yourself doing the same duck face in four different locations? If you go through my Instagram feed it�s like a flip book of me thinking I�m WAY more attractive than I am. It�s nauseating. But feel free to follow me at @SHANEDAWSON! You can also follow me on Twitter, where I post important tweets like: �I think I just pooped blood. Should I go to the doctor? Nvmd, just gonna google it,� and �Ugh. Is Emma Stone still a thing? Can that be over yet?� It gets really deep. I�m a social warrior, clearly. In this book, you�ll get to see the real me, not the �me� you see on YouTube. You will get to know what�s really in my head, and I�m warning you it�s not pretty. It�s a twisted land of self-hatred, sadness, and lots of repressed anger toward every person who�s ever hurt me. ENJOY! Don�t worry, I threw in some dick and fart jokes to make the stories a little easier to handle. Kind of like mixing in some peanut butter with your medicine, which by the way my mom used to do. You haven�t lived till you�ve had a Vicodin peanut butter marshmallow fluff sandwich. I can still taste the numbing of my emotions. Delicious. I urge you to sit back, enjoy, and know that in the end things have gotten better for me. And they will for you too, if that�s anything you�re worried about. Feel free to laugh at my misfortune and get that feeling of �Wow, my life is SO much better than THAT guy�s.� Obviously joking but semi-serious, Shane Dawson Read more

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